Usage Fees
The services are available to all University departments, as well as to external (academic and industry) researchers according to the fees published here.
The invoice is issued on a quarter basis for University users and on a monthly basis for external users and is sent to the PI/ lab manager/ external researcher.
Usage Fees (NIS/hour)

The fees include training and practical assistance when needed.
All fees, benefits and free of charge items and are subject to change.
Olympus multiphoton microscope is free of charge.
NeuroInfo and BrainMaker software is free of charge.
Microscopes’ usage at 22:00 – 09:00 is free of charge
Assistance fee applies when imaging or analysis are done solely by the unit’s personnel. Interest in this service should be discussed in advance and is subject to the project scope, occupancy of the equipment, and availability of the personnel.
Cancelation Penalty Fees
Cancelation penalty fees are intended to ensure responsibility of the user to cancel unneeded bookings in a timely manner in order to allow other users to book and use the equipment.
The penalty is calculated according to time left till the booking time at the moment of cancelation:
—————–24h———–12h———–1h——–Booking time
Free 20% 50% 100%
We understand that unexpected circumstances within 24h penalty window may prevent you from using the booked equipment. In this cases please contact the unit’s head.